Content includes articles, interviews, learning resources, college advice and application tips, extracurricular ideas, internship opportunities and essays on travel and life elsewhere.

Speech and Debate at ENREACH

One of the key pillars of ENREACH Education programming is our Speech and Debate courses.  Across China, we have all kinds of debate teams ranging

Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Welcome to the year of the dog! The most significant holiday in China is the start of the lunar new year and

Three Essential Apps for China

3 Essential Apps Once you’ve made it through the visa process, it starts to set in that in just a few short weeks, you will

Arrival – What to expect

You are almost to China!  Visa in your passport, bags are packed, and you’ve said all your goodbyes.  What can you expect next? Pre-departure: The week

October Holiday

On October 1, 1949 is the start of modern China’s history, when the communist party took power.  Here is some detailed information from the US

Refer a friend!

At ENREACH, we love meeting new people to join our team of teachers and counselors.  While we meet inspiring people from all different places, we