Refer a friend!

At ENREACH, we love meeting new people to join our team of teachers and counselors.  While we meet inspiring people from all different places, we especially love referrals.  Why is that?  Because friends are the best companions and our work should be filled with our friends.  From arrival to interview, we love meeting the friends of our friends. So far in 2017, 35% of our arrivals came from referrals.

Our referrals come from both our existing employees, professional contacts, and sometimes even an old family friend.

The reward for this is both a friend having a good job – and money as well.  For our existing employees, we give 2000 RMB and for those not employed we offer gift cards or sometimes even donations (such as in the case of one very generous professor who likes to donate to urban debate leagues).

To send a referral, you can email or they can email us directly and indicate that they are applying from your recommendation.  Lets get the best people on board today!