ENREACH Summer Debate Internship

Are you looking for the internship of a lifetime?  We asked Derrick Stevens to talk about why you should join him in Shanghai this summer as a Debate Intern.  Here’s what he had to say:

Debate is a unique activity. It combines competition, critical thinking, public speaking, and argumentation in a way very few other activities do. Debate’s global reach shows just how much students value thee experiences and skills that debate provides. That global reach touches students in communities in so many different countries and allows students to show how they uniquely contribute to the debate world.

China is no different. There are multiple organizations, using different formats, which many students compete in. Debate in China has seen rising popularity over the last decade, at every level, from middle school all the way to college. China committed to providing debate to middle and high school students in 2013 when the National Speech and Debate Association China, from the United States NSDA, was established. NSDA China allows students to participate in public forum debate as well as original oratory competition, entirely in English. Most students do these competitions in their second language. NSDA competitions are all over many regions in China and provides middle and high school students with as many competitive opportunities as possible all over the country.

ENREACH provides students the opportunity to learn debate, academically and competitively, in the public forum format. ENREACH also provides former debaters, debate coaches, and teachers alike the opportunity to work with motivated, competitive students who want nothing less than the highest level of competitive success.

Our summer debate interns provide invaluable aid and instruction to our students, in pursuit of these goals. Being an intern at ENREACH means that you will get classroom teaching experience. Being an intern at ENREACH means that you will get upfront coaching experience with students who want to compete. Being an intern at ENREACH means that you will get to experience firsthand the impact of debate globally.

I personally have worked with debaters in China from middle school all the way through college off and on since 2012 and it has been an extremely valuable experience. Coaching debate and teaching debate in a classroom are different, but ultimately compatible experiences that an opportunity like working with ENREACH has provided me. My students are the best part of my job. Their drive and desire to improve and compete reminds me of why I loved debate so much as a student. Being able to take my own experiences and help other students fulfill those same goals and dreams is rewarding in a way only firsthand experience can do justice to.

Show what debate has meant to you and take an internship in China. You can make your own unique contribution to the global debate community by working with students who do that too every time they prepare for, compete in, and win a tournament.