Content includes articles, interviews, learning resources, college advice and application tips, extracurricular ideas, internship opportunities and essays on travel and life elsewhere.

Life in the ‘Du Chengdu via ENREACH

Life in the ‘Du: Chengdu via ENREACH By Kyle Labak I typically advise students against starting with an adage, especially a translation from Chinese. But for

The Visa Process: What to expect

Moving to China is such an exciting process filled with so many life changes – new job, new country, new apartment, new friends, everything!  The

My China Story

In July, 2011 I arrived in China armed with a CELTA and job a lined up with a big ESL company. I interviewed via skype

Living with a dog in Shanghai

People I meet are always asking me what it is like having a pet dog in Shanghai. While I had never had a dog before,